CDBG Projects

The Michigan Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program is a federal grant program utilizing funds received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). This program provides grants to eligible counties, cities, villages, and townships, usually with populations under 50,000, for economic development, community development, and housing projects. The Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) administers the economic development, community development, and downtown development portions of the program. The Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) administers the housing portion of the program. Funded projects must benefit persons with low-moderate incomes, either for those residing in the project area or through job creation.

Each year Michigan receives approximately $36 million in federal CDBG funds, which finances specific projects throughout the state.

CDBG funds can be used for:

        • Blight elimination
        • Downtown facade improvement
        • Downtown public infrastructure
        • Farm to Food support for farmers market
        • Signature building acquisition
        • Job creation and retention projects
        • Housing (single-family and rental) rehabilitation
        • Neighborhood preservation activities

Some CUPPAD Staff are Certified CDBG Administrators and have extensive experience in developing, preparing, and administering CDBG grants. CUPPAD staff can assist a community with all aspects of the CDBG grant process beginning with the initial notice of intent through the closeout activities.

Central Upper Peninsula Planning and Development Regional Commission