Dickinson County Master Plan Survey Available

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Ryan Carrig, Community Planner


Release Date:

February 5, 2024

Dickinson County Master Plan Survey Available


The Dickinson County Planning Commission is requesting public participation in a survey as part of the development of the Dickinson County Master Plan. The Planning Commission is a public body responsible for guiding land use and capital improvements at the county level. A Master Plan identifies opportunities and issues to guide goals for future community development and land use. Dickinson County last completed a similar plan in 1999. Central Upper Peninsula Planning and Development (CUPPAD) is managing plan development on behalf of the County.

The survey is available through SurveyMonkey at the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KQPQ2CF

Paper copies may be requested and returned at the Dickinson County Library, 401 Iron Mountain Street, Iron Mountain, Michigan 49801 during regular business hours.

The Planning Commission invites county residents and others who work, live, or play in Dickinson County to complete the survey and offer their feedback. Responses will only be reported in group format and incorporated into the Master Plan. The survey will be available until March 15, 2024. The Planning Commission meets regularly on the fourth Thursday of each month at 6:30pm CT at the Dickinson County Library in Iron Mountain. Applications for membership on the Planning Commission are currently being accepted by the Dickinson County Board of Commissioners; see www.dickinsoncountymi.gov for an application.

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Central Upper Peninsula Planning and Development Regional Commission