DNR Recreation Grant Information

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2024 DNR Recreation Grant Application Workshop

This virtual workshop will be held on February 7, 2024, at 1:30 PM EST. The workshop will cover program updates and application guidance for DNR Recreation Grants. Eligible applicants include state and local units of government, and regional recreation authorities, and Tribes. Please register!

Applications for development and acquisition of outdoor public recreation projects are due April 1, 2024.

If you'd like help in preparing an application, contact us! We are here to help!


Accessibility Design Reviews

When applying to the Michigan DNR grant program, incorporating accessibility features earns more points and can help boost your application and make your project accessible to all. SAIL - the Superior Alliance for Independent Living Disability Network - can help with an accessibility design review!

If you are interested in obtaining a design review, please contact SAIL's Accessibility Services Team as soon as possible. They are extremely busy during this time and try to fit everyone into their schedule. The cost of the Design Review process is between $200-$400 depending on size and complexity. Because of high demand, SAIL can no longer offer first-time customers this service at no charge.

Please note: It is extremely important to contact the Design Review team as soon as you know you need your site reviewed. They are a two-person team and require patience and grace during this busy time crunch. Starting the conversation early allows them to be more familiar with you and your project, and helps them move the process along in a timely manner.


Sue Anderson, ADAC (she/her)

Certified ADA Coordinator

Accessibility Services

Office Hours Tuesday through Thursday



Jamie Glenn, ADAC (she/her)

Certified ADA Coordinator

Accessibility Services

Office Hours Monday through Friday



SAIL, Disability Network of the U.P.

1025 W Washington Street, Ste C

906-228-5744 (phone)

906-936-0913 (mobile)

906-228-5573 (fax)

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Central Upper Peninsula Planning and Development Regional Commission