Grants & Funding

CUPPAD frequently assists communities with the daunting task of finding sources of funding for projects that may not qualify for a government grant. In addition to regularly notifying local units of government about these opportunities, CUPPAD maintains information on various foundations that may provide funds, provide promotional items, and technical assistance.

If you are seeking a funding source or a letter of support for a specific project, please contact us today! Funding opportunities and reminders are also announced as they are received in our News section, and on our Facebook.

EDA Funding Opportunities
Annual Funding Programs

Michigan Center for the Arts and Cultural Affairs Arts Mini-Grants

Agency Names: MCACA and the MEDC

CUPPAD is a regional re-granter for MCACA mini-grants to promote meaningful and fundable arts and cultural opportunities in the region to ensure the arts are accessible to all- even in our rural communities. Applications up to $4,000 (1 to 1 match required) are available to eligible nonprofit organizations and units of government. Other funding opportunities through MCACA are available for capital improvement projects if there is a substantial artistic outcome as a result of the project.

Application closing date: Yearly cycle. Typically January/ August.


Rural Innovation Fund Program (HUD)

Agency Name: Department of Housing and Urban Development

The purpose of the Rural Fund is to provide support for highly targeted and innovative grants dedicated to addressing the problems of concentrated rural housing distress and community poverty for projects that demonstrate a great likelihood of substantial impact in addressing the housing needs and community poverty in the project area.

Application closing date: Yearly cycle.


Michigan Coastal Zone Management Program

Agency Name: Department of Natural Resources

Bordered by four Great Lakes, Michigan is graced with the world’s longest freshwater coastline. The Coastal Management Program in the Office of the Great Lakes promotes wise management of the cultural and natural resources of Michigan’s Great Lakes coast. The program supports healthy and productive coastal ecosystems and resilient, vibrant, and sustainable coastal communities.

Application closing date: Yearly cycle. Typically December

Central Upper Peninsula Planning and Development Regional Commission