Materials Management Planning

As of June 1, 2024 CUPPAD, Alger, Delta, Dickinson, Marquette, Menominee, and Schoolcraft Counties have entered into an interlocal agreement to create the Central Upper Peninsula Materials Management Planning Committee and a resulting multi-county Materials Management Plan. This Plan is required to be completed and approved by EGLE prior to June 27, 2027. In accordance with Part 115 please find copies of the interlocal agreement and each county's Notice of Intent submission below:

In March of 2023, updates to Part 115 of the Michigan Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act (PA 451 of 1994) went into effect. Part 115 regulates the disposal of solid wastes and solid waste disposal facilities, as directed by a county’s Solid Waste Management Plan. The new provisions for Part 115 include expanded regulations for recycling and composting activities, and new types of materials management facilities. County Solid Waste Management Plans will be replaced by new Materials Management Plans when they are adopted.

The Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) has called for the Materials Management Planning process to begin on January 8, 2024. This starts a timeline where a Materials Management Planning Committee will be created and come together to develop a plan regulating solid waste disposal, recycling access, and composting activities. As a result of an engagement grant from EGLE, CUPPAD led stakeholders in the six-county region through the new laws and identified issues and opportunities ahead of the call for plans.

Together, CUPPAD, county governments, and stakeholders identified an opportunity to create a collaborative multi-county Materials Management Plan for the region. This action is not unprecedented; CUPPAD previously led a multi-county Solid Waste Management Plan effort in the 1970s that was in place before independent county plans were required in the 1990s and early 2000s.

Central Upper Peninsula Planning and Development Regional Commission