MEDC Programs

The Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC), through the MiPlace program, offers grants, loans, and technical assistance for community development such as redeveloping downtowns and historic preservation. MiPlace focuses on developing a mixture of uses, decreasing sprawl, and keeping talent and businesses in Michigan.

CUPPAD can assist in finding the appropriate program and facilitating communication between your community and our MEDC representative in the central region.


Technical Assistance Programs


Assists communities interested in revitalizing and preserving their traditional commercial districts.

A voluntary, no cost certification program designed to promote effective redevelopment strategies through best practices.

Suggestions and strategies to help communities recover from economic, natural, and health-related disasters.


Incentive Programs


The Match on Main – COVID-19 Response Program temporarily expands the MEDC’s Match on Main Program and provides up to $50,000 to local downtown management organizations to administer to eligible small businesses located in traditional commercial districts, including downtowns, neighborhood and commercial districts, or areas planned and zoned for concentrated commercial development.

This program promotes community revitalization through the provision of grants, loans or other economic assistance for eligible projects located on properties that are either contaminated (facility), blighted, functionally obsolete or historic resources.

CDBG program funds are used to provide grants and loans to UGLGs, usually with populations under 50,000 (referred to as “non-entitlement jurisdictions”), in support of economic or community development projects. View the funding guide here.

PSCP is a crowdgranting initiative that can provide matching grant funds for crowdfunded public space projects through Patronicity, an online, crowdfunding platform.




Jennifer Tucker is our Community Assistance Team Representative for the central Upper Peninsula, Region 1.

Central Upper Peninsula Planning and Development Regional Commission